I love to get the biggest bang for my buck, no matter what. Oftentimes, ceiling tiles get labeled as too expensive for immediate replacement. However, I have found some ways to work around this issue...
Category: General Information
So you are living in Arizona, basking in temperatures over one hundred degrees Fahrenheit (fun right?). As you are heading down to your basement, you notice that your basement is as bad as the hot...
I've noticed that one of the most common problems for sliding wardrobe doors is when the doors can't seem to stop opening. It's happened to me and so many others as they deal with the hassles of home...
Houses are heavy. They require heavy-duty walls to support the roof and trusses. This gets more complicated when you throw in the idea of stairs being load-bearing. Stairs themselves cannot be...
I never realized how much of a debate mixing ceiling paint with primer was until I did a "google search" about it. There are so many different opinions on such a simple question. I looked into both...
Plasterboard is the most common modern creation for building walls. This modern use is no accident because it's cheap and offers many advantages. Its gypsum base offers little insulation though....